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Corporate Social Responsibility in Small Businesses: The Importance of CSR for Any Company's Success


Every day, many companies are making an effort to be more socially responsible. You can find corporations like Patagonia or Ben & Jerry’s who make the environment a priority. Other companies might focus on supporting small local businesses (think Trader Joe’s) or contributing to community programs for things like education and health care (think Coca-Cola). But what is corporate social responsibility? And how does it work?

They can choose to support small local businesses or they could choose to be environmentally friendly by choosing to recycle or use sustainable products. Supply chain management is one of the many ways that companies can take action in order to improve their community and environment. CSR is not an option anymore nowadays.


1. What is CSR and why is it important?

What is CSR and why is it important?

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a company's commitment to behave according to the standards of society and the environment. According to (Forbes, 2017), CSR isn't just one thing such as environmentalism; it also includes treating workers fairly and providing opportunities for them to grow their skillsets. It also describes how businesses can collaborate with local communities, implement positive change in their industries, and support sustainable practices.

A company’s goal with CSR may be different from another company’s goal. Some companies may be more socially responsible by donating some of its proceeds to charity or choosing non-toxic materials that are simple to use. Others may be more environmentally responsible by recycling their old materials and creating a lower carbon footprint. One company may have the goal to use its resources for good, others want to give back or create a sustainable business model. Companies who practice corporate social responsibility also tend to have a higher success rate because they take the time and effort to understand what’s going on in their community and better impact it for the future. This is a top priority of successful organizations.

2. Implementing CSR in a company’s plan

Companies implement CSR by showing how they are socially responsible, environmentally friendly or involved with their communities without forcing it on customers. Each company must find the best way to implement it into their own unique business. A company's success with implementing CSR depends on how they choose to practice it.

3. Why is it important to be transparent about a company’s CSR efforts?

Being transparent means being honest and open about the company’s practices. Customers want to know what they are putting in their body when they eat it or use it. Transparency also creates an environment of trust between customers and businesses. For example, if a business chooses to make the effort to be environmentally friendly by choosing recyclable materials instead of making them out of plastic, its customers would want to know about it and may even want to use those products. Transparency also means that customers would feel better buying from a company that is socially responsible than another company who isn’t as socially conscious. Customers who take the time to research their purchases will be happier with what they're getting if the business has made an effort to be transparent with them because then they know that the company cares about their needs. This will open up doors to new opportunities for both businesses and customers in the long run.

4. Why every company should have some forms of CSR implemented into their operations?

Implementing CSR into a company’s operations is important in order to have a positive impact on the company and community. It is also important that companies are transparent about their CSR efforts in order to inspire trust and honesty with their customers. Every type of company should implement some form of CSR into their operations in order to create a stronger and more positive impact on the world we live in today.

5. How to get started with corporate social responsibility for your business

Take time to do research on what your company can do to make an impact. You must be informed about the best methods for you and your company's success. It is also important to find out how CSR fits into your business model

For instance, Starbucks regularly donates money to expand their supply chain of coffee beans in order to bring new opportunities to farmers which then makes Starbucks more sustainable as a business (Forbes, 2017) This shows that they are committed to bringing about positive change in their communities.

Other ways companies are practicing CSR include donating time, money or product to causes important to them. Another way is by creating programs for their clients which give back to the community through supporting education or healthcare initiatives, among other things. McDonalds Costa Rica builds playgrounds to facilitate the community they've started in Costa Rica (McDonalds, 2017).

Every type of company should implement some form of CSR into their operations. Supporting causes important to the community and taking part in ethical practices can establish a sense of trust between companies and their customers which will create an environment where long-term success is inevitable.



Everyone can benefit from practicing corporate social responsibility. Implementing CSR means giving back to the community through informed ways that support causes important to your company's values . Being transparent

About your CSR efforts is also important because it will inspire trust and honesty with your customers. Every company should include CSR in their business practices to be able to create a more positive impact on the world we live in today.

Contact us to learn more about implementing CRS in your supply chain process!


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