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Understanding Taobao

As a sourcing company, MWT Sourcing understands the importance of Taobao in the world of manufacturing and sourcing. Taobao is a Chinese online marketplace that connects buyers directly with manufacturers and suppliers. While it may seem like a convenient way to purchase products, there are several factors to consider before making a purchase.

How Taobao Works

Taobao is a platform that allows manufacturers and suppliers to sell their products directly to buyers.

Buyers can search for products using keywords or browse through categories. Once a product is selected, buyers can communicate with the seller to negotiate prices and shipping options. Payment is made through the platform, and the seller ships the product directly to the buyer.


Example: A buyer in the United States may be interested in purchasing a specific type of electronic device that is only manufactured in China. They can use Taobao to search for the product and communicate with the seller to negotiate the price and shipping options. Once the payment is made, the seller ships the product directly to the buyer in the United States.

The Risks of Direct Access to Manufacturers

While Taobao may seem like a convenient way to purchase products, several risks are involved.

Firstly, there is no guarantee of quality or certification. Manufacturers may not have been pre-selected or validated, and there is no filter to ensure that the products meet certain standards.

Additionally, the prices advertised on Taobao are often just starting prices and may not reflect the actual cost of the product.


The buyer may find that the price advertised on Taobao is only a starting price, and the actual cost of the product is much higher due to shipping and other fees.

The Importance of a Sourcing Company

This is where MWT Sourcing Limited comes in.

As a sourcing company, we act as an intermediary between the buyer and the manufacturer. Our team of experts pre-selects and validates manufacturers, ensuring they meet certain standards and certifications.

We negotiate prices and shipping options on behalf of the buyer, and we handle all communication with the manufacturer. 


MWT Sourcing ensures the buyer receives a quality product at a fair price without worrying about the risks of direct access to manufacturers.

The Challenges of Being a Top Supplier

It is important to note that becoming a top supplier on Taobao is not an easy feat.

Manufacturers must meet certain criteria, such as high ratings and positive reviews from buyers. This can be difficult for smaller manufacturers who may not have as much exposure on the platform.


Additionally, being a top supplier may not always be in the buyer's best interest, as they may be paying a premium for the supplier's reputation rather than the quality of the product.


While Taobao may seem like a convenient way to purchase products, several risks involve direct access to manufacturers.


As a sourcing company, MWT Sourcing offers a safer and more reliable way to source products from China.


Our team of experts ensures that the products meet certain standards and certifications, and we negotiate prices and shipping options on behalf of the buyer.


Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help you source quality products at fair prices.



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